1. Hlohovec and Beckov

1.1 View of Hlohovec
377 x 548 mm
MTAK, Ms 4409/1
1.2 View of Hlohovec from the count's farmstead
298 x 466 mm
MTAK, Ms 4409/3
1.3 The parish church and the marketplace in Hlohovec
371 x 546 mm
MTAK, Ms 4409/4
1.4 The Erdődy mansion in Hlohovec from the right bank of the Váh
297 x 467 mm
MTAK, Ms 4409/5
1.5 The Erdődy mansion in Hlohovec
356/351 x 532/526 mm
MTAK, Ms 4409/2
1.6 Beckov castle and the Váh river valley
314 x 496 mm
MTAK, Ms 4409/9
1.7 View of Beckov from the Jewish cemetery
342 x 485 mm
MTAK, Ms 4409/8
1.8 View of Beckov castle from the marketplace
342 x 483 mm
MTAK, Ms 4409/6
1.9 View of Beckov from the farmstead
297 x 467 mm
MTAK, Ms 4409/10
1.10 View of Beckov from the road
270 x 384 mm
MTAK, Ms 4409/7