NIEDZICA / Nedec castle was built between 1319-1330 as a border marker on an 80 m high cliff on the bank of the Dunajec, opposite Czorsztyn castle. King W³adys³aw Jagiellon II of Poland paid the mortgage for the Zips towns to King Sigismund of Luxemburg here. The castle was given by King Matthias Corvinus (1458-1490) to Imre Zápolya, who had it considerably strengthened. In the early 1600s, the stronghold was reconstructed again: the oblong circle of the walls was fortified with two circular battlemented bastions. In the late 17th century the Giovanelli family got hold of Niedzica, which was recovered in 1776 for the Palocsay Horváths. They had a new castle erected, with outhouses, in the vicinity of the tumble-down ruins of the old stronghold. Underneath the castle, a bridge was built over the Dunajec in the 1850s to ensure that connection with the Polish side be permanent even in times of flood. After World War I, Niedzica and the nearby area were annexed to Poland as a result of a referendum.
Bibliography: Dénes Ferenc, Kollár, Kristó, Lazarek, Raisz, Szepesi