
Built as a nunnery in 1190, THE THÖKÖLY CASTLE is probably the most famous building in Kežmarok. After the battle of Mohács (1526) it was acquired by the Polish Jerome Lasky and his kindred, who sold it to the rich cattle-dealer Sebastian Thököly in 1579. He and his son, Stephen, had the castle rebuilt in Renaissance style: it consisted of six turrets and two wings, with two separate apartments. The gatehouse was decorated with the coat of arms of the Thökölys. The foundations of the church of St. Elisabeth, the first church of Saxon immigrants in the town of Kežmarok, can still be seen in the castle courtyard. In the 18th century, the community of Kežmarok obtained the Thököly castle, which became inhabited by artisans in the 19th century. At the same time, parts of the building were used as a garrison and an infirmary.

Bibliography: Banczik, Dénes Ferenc, Késmárk, Marosi, Szepesi, Szombathy 1979, Zombory 1859