18.7 The ruins of Vinné castle above the village

Pencil, watercolour on paper, 185 x 263 mm
Inscribed at bottom left: 67; at bottom middle: Viena mit der Ruine
Inscribed on the backing at bottom left: Vinnai vár 's falu
MTA Könyvtára, Kézirattár, Ms 4409/204

Map: IV

The ruins of Vinné castle from the south-east - viewed from the direction of the village. The landscape is covered with evening mist. The sketch on the verso of item 18.2 also depicts the ruins of Vinné castle. - Vinné / Vinna lies in the vicinity of Michalovce. In the 1850s it was a market town with 1000 Slovak and "Ruthenian" (i.e., Transcarpathian Ukrainian) inhabitants. The ruins of the Árpád-age Vinné (or Tarna) castle stand on a 325 m high hill above the village. Count János Waldstein owned a mansion in the village. - Bibliography: Fényes Elek, Mednyánszky 1829, Mednyánszky 1983