18.1 Staré and environs

Pencil, watercolour on paper, 297 x 466 mm
Inscribed at top middle: Wihorlatt; at top right: Ruine Vinna; at bottom left: 62; at bottom middle: Aufsicht von Plány nach Sztára
Inscribed on the backing at bottom left: Sztára környéke
MTA Könyvtára, Kézirattár, Ms 4409/210

Map: IV

Staré village lies on the opposite bank of the Laborec, behind the trees. We see the top of the far-off Vihorlat to the left and the ruins of Vinné castle to the right. The landscape is viewed from the west, from the direction of Plány. - Staré / Sztára was a market town south of Humenné; it had 900, mostly Slovak, inhabitants in the 19th century. The Count Sztáray family had a beautiful mansion here. In the 1850s Count Albert Sztáray, brother-in-law of János Waldstein, owned the mansion. - Bibliography: Fényes Elek, Szabó Károly