15.8 Javorina village and the opening of Javorová dolina

Pencil, watercolour on paper, 315 x 485 mm
Inscribed at bottom middle: Javorina, Kolová Thal
Inscribed on the backing at bottom left: Javorina 's völgye
MTA Könyvtára, Kézirattár, Ms 4409/153

Map: III

We are standing at Javorina village and facing south-east. Opposite to us we see the narrow entrance into Javorová dolina. Beyond the entrance the valley becomes wide and bends to the right (or southwards). Zadné Meďodoly, the valley separating the High Tatras and the Belianske Tatry, forks off to the left (or eastwards) from there. Kolová dolina forks off southwards from Zadné Meďodoly at the point where we see a strange quadrangular notch far off; over the midpoint of Javorová dolina we can have a look into Kolová dolina. Some of the peaks depicted in this picture we have already seen from Zelené pleso: above the notch we see the Kolový štít and, left of it, the Jahňací štít (2229 m). The highest peak right of the Kolový štít is the L'adový štít (2628 m). On the left we see the Belianske Tatry; the peak at the back seems to be the Muráň (1890 m). - Bibliography: Komarnicki, Šimko, Vysoké Tatry 1976. - For information on Javorina, see:
