8.1 Orava river valley at Veličná

Pencil, watercolour on paper, 312 x 495 mm
Inscribed at top middle: [?] [partly cut]; at bottom left: 48; at bottom middle: Velicsna Thal mit Magura u Tatra Gebirg
Inscribed on the backing at bottom left: Nagyfalu Tátrai hegylánczzal
MTA Könyvtára, Kézirattár, Ms 4409/82

Map: II

We are looking westwards from above Veličná in the Orava river valley. On the left, we see the peak of the Šíp (1170 m) in the area between the Orava and the Váh. The ridges of the Malá Fatra with the far-off Vel'ký Rozsutec are to the right, in accordance with traces of the inscriptions along the upper edge. - Bibliography: Ružomberok. - For information on Orava river, see:
